The Sorrows of Young Werther

The devil came and asked young Werther
Whether he would like for her to love him so
And young Werther said
“This is what I want most in the world”
And the devil told him
“But you know it won’t be real?”
And Werther said
“I don’t care”.
So they made a bargain
But, there was no bargain
Mephisto already knew their fate
But wanted to plant that seed
In young Werther’s mind
That would kill
The real love he had for Charlotte.
Because Charlotte was betrothed to Albert
Yet Werther knew she loved him
It was too much to bear
So he shot himself with a pistol
And it took twelve hours to die.
Mephistopheles saved the boy
From learning the truth
That Lotte loved Albert
And he was a poor fool always.

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